mardi 15 avril 2008

to be read

"Music That Moves: Popular Music, Distribution and Network Technologies" in Cultural Studies, 16:2 (2002), pp. 213-232.

book review

Back to a serious mouse mode... gotta review this haha


Journal Culture, Language and Representation, ISSN: 1697-7750, seekscontributions for its 2009 and 2010 issues. The 2009 is an open call for original articles that engage in any relevant areaof cultural analysis: the Arts, literature, film, education, linguistics andcommunication, cultural history, anthropology, sociology, etc. Theoreticaldiscussions as well as empirical analysis of specific cases or texts arewelcome. The 2010 issue will be devoted to “Popular Culture in the Age ofGlobalization”. Deadline for submissions: Articles for the 2009 issue should reach the Editors no later than 30th, October2008.Articles for the 2010 issue should reach the Editors before the 15th, September2009. For any enquiries, you may contact Jose R. Prado at The guidelines for publication can be obtained from the Journal’s web page:www.clr.uji.esJournal Culture, Language and Representation is indexed in the MLA, ABELL, ISOC(CINDOC), and appears in the LATIN INDEX. Please send two hard copies and a WORD or RTF document of your completedmanuscript to:Jose R. PradoDept. Estudis AnglesosCampus Riu SecUniversitat Jaume I12071 CastellonSpain

dimanche 13 avril 2008


Call for Papers and PresentationsContinuities and Innovations: Popular Print Cultures – Past andPresent, Local and GlobalUniversity of AlbertaEdmonton, Alberta, Canada27-30 August 2008 Papers and presentations are invited for any aspect of the conferencetheme. Proposals should be 200 to 300 words in length and clearly statethe central theme or argument, the kind of popular print or relatedmedia to be considered, and its social and cultural location in timeand place.Please indicate any equipment requirements (data projector;conference computer; overhead projector; video or dvd player; audioplayer, etc). A brief resumé should accompany each proposal, statingthe proposer’s name, address, contact information, and relevantacademic, professional, or personal background and knowledge of form ofpopular print culture discussed.Send proposals and resumés by email as pasted-in documentsor attachments in an up-to-date format to: popprint@ualberta.caOr mail hard copies to: Popprint, Kirsten MacLeod,Department of English and Film Studies, University of Alberta,Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E5. Questions to either address.Deadline for proposals is 30 May 2008. But space on theprogram is limited, and proposals will be considered on a first-come,first-accommodated basis. This conference and popular arts festival consider what most peopleread, here and elsewhere, now and in the past. Popular printcharacteristically includes both words and images, and is intertwinedwith music and performance. In these forms it has been and continues tobe one of the most powerful cultural forces in history, morphing intonew media and new technologies, from the phonograph record throughradio, film, and television to video games and the internet.Popular print culture is now a global phenomenon, withstriking similarities in what most people read, anywhere. Yet there arealso striking local differences, inflections, and variations in whatmost people read, here or elsewhere. “Continuities and Innovations”will bring together all those interested in popular printculture--readers and writers, publishers and fans, librarians andcollectors, teachers and students, and of course researchers in manyacademic disciplines.Proposals are invited from all of these groups, directlyaddressing the conference theme, or taking up any aspect of “PopularPrint Cultures, Past and Present, Local and Global.” Topics can includerelations between popular print and other media, between popular and“high” literatures, between words and images, between words and music,between past and present forms, and so on. Presentations may be fromwriters, readers, publishers, teachers, students, distributors,sellers, librarians, illustrators, opponents, promoters, adapters toother media, fans, collectors, et al. Papers and presentations can beon any relevant topic—reading popular print and creating it, writing itand illustrating it, publishing it and selling it, counteracting it ortransforming it, adapting it and influencing it, censoring it andliving it, and more. Participants may consider popular print andpolitics, religion, sexuality, class, ethnicity, “race,” nationality,or any other theme.Google “Edmonton Alberta” and “University of Alberta” forinformation on the venue. Program and other information, includingtravel and accommodation details, regularly updated, will be availableon the conference website: -- Gary Kelly FRSCUniversity ProfessorDepartment of English and Film StudiesUniversity of AlbertaEdmonton, ABT6G 2E5Canada(780)


Call for Papers International Conference on "Globalization: Cultures, Institutions andSocioeconomics" To be held in Hong Kong, December 12-13, 2008 Co-Sponsored by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis Along the recent trend of globalization, perhaps one of the most significantfocal points is the study on issues related to "Greater China," a notionthat originally entails potential economic integration of China, Taiwan, andHong Kong (including Macau) and has lately been broadened to includeSingapore, Southeast Asian Chinese communities, and overseas Chinese inother countries. Despite some political repercussions, Greater China hasbecome an indisputable economic reality today. But economy is not thestrongest element at play; rather, a more prevalent and consequential factoris culture and the underlying formal institutions and informal socialcustoms. This conference is designed to study the causes and consequences ofglobalization from cultural, institutional and socioeconomic perspectives,focusing more on topics related to Greater China. It invites scholars toinvestigate: * What perspectives can we deploy to investigate the different and yetsimilar cosmopolitan cultures of Hong Kong, Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing,Singapore, Macau, Shenzhen, and others? * How do cultures of these cities work in practice and how are theyembedded in everyday-life situations as locatable phenomena? * What approaches can we use to explore the experience of place andspace, the dynamics between local and global, culture and economy, and thedilemmas of knowledge? * How do states, empires and nations, corporations, shops and goods,literature, music, film, etc., figure in our examination of the cultures ofconsumption and production? * How do places develop meanings for people? What are the strugglesover defining who belongs in a place? * What role do travel, information technology, and other means ofcommunication play in shaping a global city network among these three citiesand beyond? The conference will feature several distinguished keynote andplenary-session speakers, including Nobel Laureate Douglass North andProfessors Frank Dikotter, Robert Hegel, Chang-Tai Hsien, Gordon Mathews,Hui Wang, and Shaoguang Wang. All sessions will be held on the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong campus, while the conference dinner will be housedat the world-known Hong Kong Jockey Club. Although we prefer complete papers, submissions of long abstracts will beconsidered. Submissions of organized sessions are also welcome. Allsubmissions must be made through e-mail to all the co-chairs of the programcommittee no later than May 31, 2008: Lingchei Letty Chen(, Ann Louise Huss (, Laikwan Pang(, and Ping Wang ( Weanticipate having the preliminary program posted by June 15, 2008.


Call for Papers 4th World Congress of Korean Studies Theme: Korean Studies Interfacing with the World The organizing committee of the 4th World Congress of Korean Studiesannounces a call for papers to all academics and professionals in Korean studies. TheWorld Congress, co-organized by the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) and Kyushu University, will be held from Sept. 22-24, 2008 at Kyushu University,Fukuoka, Japan. As one of the prominent Korean studies conference in the world, it willprovide scholars with an opportunity to share their latest academic achievements and developfriendships in the field of Korean studies. -Date: Mon. Sept. 22 ~ Weds. Sept. 24, 2008 -Venue: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan -Official Languages: Korean, English -Jointly organized by the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS), KyushuUniversity, International Society for Korean Studies (ISKS), Pacific and Asia Conference on Korean Studies (PACKS), Korean Studies Association of Australasia (KSAA), Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE), Central Asian Association for Korean Studies (CAAKS) and the Committee on Korean Studies-Association for Asian Studies (CKS-AAS) -Schedule 21st of Sept. (Sun): Banquet 22nd of Sept. (Mon): Opening Ceremony, Sessions Keynote Speech - Robert Buswell(UCLA) - Masao Okonoki(Keio University) 23rd of Sept. (Tue): Sessions, Closing Ceremony 24th of Sept. (Weds): Post-conference Cultural Tour(Optional) ----Sessions---- 1. Designated Session (Individual Proposal) -History -Sociology -Culture/ Anthropology -Political Science -Economics/Trade/Industry -Law -Art -Folklore -Literature -Education -Science/Technology -Philosophy -Religion -Language 2. Free Paper Session (Panel Proposal) This session is to present participants' interests and reflections on Korean studies. A panel proposal including the topic of the session and organizingplan is required. 3. Special Session (Individual Proposal) -How Korea is Reflected in Foreign Textbooks -Korean Language Studies for Foreigners/Korean Nationals Residing Abroad -History of Cultural Exchange between Korea and Japan -National Studies in Korea vs. Korean Studies around the World *Each panelist has 30 minutes. There is a 20 minute time limit for thepresentation and 10 minute for discussion. ---Eligibility Scholars and professionals, including graduate students pursuing a master'sor doctorate ---Submission Paper submissions will only be accepted online through the World Congress ofKorean Studies homepage ( from April 1 - May 10, 2008. Once you have submitted your paper, you will receive an e-mail confirmationwithin 2 working days. The abstracts will be reviewed based on content andsuitability. Selected presenters will be contacted individually by May 30, 2008 and notified aboutthe guidelines. Submission of the full paper (10-15 pages) is due via e-mail byAug. 31, 2008 to * The abstract cannot exceed 1000 words in English or 350 words in Korean. **For the free paper session, a panel proposal, abstract and CV of eachpanelist is required. ***Congress homepage will be accessible starting Tuesday, April 1, 2008. ---Accommodation & Fee Full meal coverage (Sept. 21 Dinner ~ 24 Breakfast) and 3 nights lodging(Sept. 21- 23, 2 per room) will be provided for all congress participants. (An extra feewill be charged if you require a single room.) -Registration fee: US$ 50, KRW 50,000, JPY 5,000 (Cultural Tour is notincluded.) (Student fee: US$ 30, KRW 30,000, JPY 3,000) ---Korean Studies Junior Scholar Thesis Award We cordially invite students in Korean studies to apply for the JuniorScholar Thesis Award. To apply, please check the box 'KOREAN STUDIES JUNIOR SCHOLAR THESIS AWARD' on your abstract submission form. The committee will screenyour paper and select the best thesis. Awardees will be acknowledged for theirachievements. Master and doctorate students are eligible to apply for this award. ---Contact Secretariat: The Academy of Korean Studies - website: - E-mail: - TEL: +82-31-709-9843 - FAX: +82-31-809-9945

mercredi 9 avril 2008

CFP Call for papers

Call for Papers 4th World Congress of Korean Studies Theme: Korean Studies Interfacing with the World The organizing committee of the 4th World Congress of Korean Studiesannounces a call for papers to all academics and professionals in Korean studies. TheWorld Congress, co-organized by the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) and Kyushu University, will be held from Sept. 22-24, 2008 at Kyushu University,Fukuoka, Japan. As one of the prominent Korean studies conference in the world, it willprovide scholars with an opportunity to share their latest academic achievements and developfriendships in the field of Korean studies. -Date: Mon. Sept. 22 ~ Weds. Sept. 24, 2008 -Venue: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan -Official Languages: Korean, English -Jointly organized by the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS), KyushuUniversity, International Society for Korean Studies (ISKS), Pacific and Asia Conference on Korean Studies (PACKS), Korean Studies Association of Australasia (KSAA), Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE), Central Asian Association for Korean Studies (CAAKS) and the Committee on Korean Studies-Association for Asian Studies (CKS-AAS) -Schedule 21st of Sept. (Sun): Banquet 22nd of Sept. (Mon): Opening Ceremony, Sessions Keynote Speech - Robert Buswell(UCLA) - Masao Okonoki(Keio University) 23rd of Sept. (Tue): Sessions, Closing Ceremony 24th of Sept. (Weds): Post-conference Cultural Tour(Optional) ----Sessions---- 1. Designated Session (Individual Proposal) -History -Sociology -Culture/ Anthropology -Political Science -Economics/Trade/Industry -Law -Art -Folklore -Literature -Education -Science/Technology -Philosophy -Religion -Language 2. Free Paper Session (Panel Proposal) This session is to present participants' interests and reflections on Korean studies. A panel proposal including the topic of the session and organizingplan is required. 3. Special Session (Individual Proposal) -How Korea is Reflected in Foreign Textbooks -Korean Language Studies for Foreigners/Korean Nationals Residing Abroad -History of Cultural Exchange between Korea and Japan -National Studies in Korea vs. Korean Studies around the World *Each panelist has 30 minutes. There is a 20 minute time limit for thepresentation and 10 minute for discussion. ---Eligibility Scholars and professionals, including graduate students pursuing a master'sor doctorate ---Submission Paper submissions will only be accepted online through the World Congress ofKorean Studies homepage ( from April 1 - May 10, 2008. Once you have submitted your paper, you will receive an e-mail confirmationwithin 2 working days. The abstracts will be reviewed based on content andsuitability. Selected presenters will be contacted individually by May 30, 2008 and notified aboutthe guidelines. Submission of the full paper (10-15 pages) is due via e-mail byAug. 31, 2008 to * The abstract cannot exceed 1000 words in English or 350 words in Korean. **For the free paper session, a panel proposal, abstract and CV of eachpanelist is required. ***Congress homepage will be accessible starting Tuesday, April 1, 2008. ---Accommodation & Fee Full meal coverage (Sept. 21 Dinner ~ 24 Breakfast) and 3 nights lodging(Sept. 21- 23, 2 per room) will be provided for all congress participants. (An extra feewill be charged if you require a single room.) -Registration fee: US$ 50, KRW 50,000, JPY 5,000 (Cultural Tour is notincluded.) (Student fee: US$ 30, KRW 30,000, JPY 3,000) ---Korean Studies Junior Scholar Thesis Award We cordially invite students in Korean studies to apply for the JuniorScholar Thesis Award. To apply, please check the box 'KOREAN STUDIES JUNIOR SCHOLAR THESIS AWARD' on your abstract submission form. The committee will screenyour paper and select the best thesis. Awardees will be acknowledged for theirachievements. Master and doctorate students are eligible to apply for this award. ---Contact Secretariat: The Academy of Korean Studies - website: - E-mail: - TEL: +82-31-709-9843 - FAX: +82-31-809-9945