mardi 15 avril 2008


Journal Culture, Language and Representation, ISSN: 1697-7750, seekscontributions for its 2009 and 2010 issues. The 2009 is an open call for original articles that engage in any relevant areaof cultural analysis: the Arts, literature, film, education, linguistics andcommunication, cultural history, anthropology, sociology, etc. Theoreticaldiscussions as well as empirical analysis of specific cases or texts arewelcome. The 2010 issue will be devoted to “Popular Culture in the Age ofGlobalization”. Deadline for submissions: Articles for the 2009 issue should reach the Editors no later than 30th, October2008.Articles for the 2010 issue should reach the Editors before the 15th, September2009. For any enquiries, you may contact Jose R. Prado at The guidelines for publication can be obtained from the Journal’s web page:www.clr.uji.esJournal Culture, Language and Representation is indexed in the MLA, ABELL, ISOC(CINDOC), and appears in the LATIN INDEX. Please send two hard copies and a WORD or RTF document of your completedmanuscript to:Jose R. PradoDept. Estudis AnglesosCampus Riu SecUniversitat Jaume I12071 CastellonSpain

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